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Week One Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

While symbols and signs are representative tools that formally represent a dynamic object, diagrams play a non representational role in being an abstract and organisational tool. The performance of a diagram is dependent on how it is deployed and documents atmospheric and behavioural information rather than a physical object’s geometry and measurements. Diagrams are specific to a space, describing its relationships and prescribed performances.The primary quality of a diagram is its reductive nature and ability to legibly convey information, making intangible information tangible. 


Image One M1.jpg

Perspective: Walls

Image 2 M1.jpg

Perspective: Skeletal Structure

Image 3 M1.jpg

Perspective: Shading

Fig. 1. Florian Holzherr, Afterparty, P.S.1 2009 Installation, MOS Architects, 2009.

I begun the process of modelling by importing the plan and section of the pavilion drawings. By scaling them up to a 1:1 scale, I was able to take measurements from the drawing and place curves down to mark the location of structures. I begun with the light wells, floor plates and benches, later moving onto the walls, rods and arches. After the lines were placed, I used ExtrudeCrv, PlanarSrf, Cap and Pipe to give the structures dimension. I then used NetworkSrf to create the structures’ shading system. The most challenging aspects of modelling were finding information that was not given in the drawing by taking reference from photographs. 

Week Two: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture.

The MoMA PS1 Pavilion allows for an appropriation of use through the variety of seating and sheltered regions that are distinctly separated throughout the plan. The high concrete walls allow for a sense of privacy within the public setting of the pavilion, faciliating smaller gatherings and intimate experiences. The benches appear to be randomly scattered beneath the shading structures of the pavilion provide shade from the sun and create a visual separation through the height and size of the shades in being used either as a larger gathering region for public events or smaller individual areas for rest and contemplation.  The benches, in their various orientations, allows users to either face toward or away from others, creating an informal social setting where users can opt in or out of interaction with others. The entrances to the pavilion sight are blocked by walls or shades, creating a sense of privacy and a threshold into the pavilion setting from the exterior environment.  

MoMA PS1 Pavilion - MOS Architects

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The isometric drawing is taken from a South West view of the pavilion to show the shading structures, benches and the entrances. The modelling process was initiated by the drawings provided in plan and section. By scaling those drawings in Rhino and aligning them to the required areas, I was able to take reference and place shapes and lines to extrude in the z plane. I modelled in the sequence of benches, walls, lightwells, floorplates, extruding srf, rods, arches, piping, and finally shading. I chose to show the shading without the piping of the structural system beneath as it provides a clearer depiction of the actual pavilion which is overlayed with a textured envelope. 


While modelling the pavilion, I learnt about the construction techniques of the shading structure, in which a metal frame was first constructed and put into place before the fabric overlay was installed and attached to the structure and surrounding walls. I learnt how the entrances were used as thresholds into the exterior space which in itself has thresholds defined by each shaded component of the pavilion. I hypothesise that people would circulate through the entrances, and into the main, larger components of the pavilions where larger gatherings would congregate. The pavilion structures adjacent to the linear footpath would be most used, where the smaller structures toward the back of the pavilion would facilitate individuals in rest and relaxation, a quiet space for more intimate experiences. 


The key concept of the precedent study is that of a net, and its purpose - to collect things. The woven net that serves as a shading envelope of the structure takes its form from the existing tie holds of the courtyard. 


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Threshold Diagram

Circulation Diagram

The threshold diagram is separated into its structural components - from the components that touch the base such as the walls and benches, to the structural component of the pavilion’s frame and the shading system which is overlayed.

The circulation diagram is separated into the diagrammatic movement of users - the thicker lines showing higher traffic flow, the main circulation regions with denser concentrations of congregation shown overlayed and the overlaying structure of the pavilion shown above.

APPENDIX - process


1) I begun the modelling process by constructing the structure’s lines and base shapes using the line, polyline, crv, parabola and rectangle functions.


2) I then used PlanarSrf and ExtrudeSrf to extrude the walls to the correct height. By using BooleanDifference I was able to cut the entranes out of the wall panels. 


3) Floor plates were added using the 3pt circle function and extruding the surfaces to the approximate height. 


4) Benches were extruded using PlanarSrf and ExtrudeSrf to the measured height from the scaled sectional drawing imported into Rhino.


5) The rods are piped to a diameter of 5cm, as are the lightwells using the pipe command to give dimension to the structure.


6) Shading system modelled using NetworkSrf. I had difficulty with this command as the arches were not a closed curve. Once they were adequately joined together into a singular closed curve, by selecting the light well and the arches as well as all the rods that accompany the structure, I was able to perform the command.


7) The pavilion model completed and shown in a rendered isometric view.

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Line drawing extracted from Rhino using Make2D and importing it into Illustrator. This drawing is of the base of the structure - including the benches and the walls.

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Extracted line drawing of the base of the pavilions environment and base structures showing hidden lines to show the interior spaces that are hidden by the walls.

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Line drawing extracted of the pavilion’s skeletal structure with floorplates, rods, arches and lightwells shown to provide information on the underlying structure covered by the pavilion’s envelope.

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Drawing of the skeletal structure of the pavilion in context to the surrounding walls and benches to show the internal spaces of the pavilions and investigate the potential circulation routes and thresholds.

Fig. 1. Holzherr, Florian, Afterparty, P.S.1 2009 Installation, MOS Architects, 2009. Photography.

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